Hoftefraktur - Smertevurdering Vurdering af smerter hos patienter med hoftenære frakturer Målgrupper og anvendelsesområde Klinisk personale i Hoftefrakturenheden Ortopædkirurgisk afdeling Fremgangsmåde ###TABEL_1### Ansvar og organisering Afdelingsledelsen og ledelsen i Hoftefrakturenheden er ansvarlige for kendskab til og implementering af denne instruks Referencer 1. Littman GS et al. Reassesment of verbal and visual analog scales in analgesic studies. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1985; 38: 16-23 2. Ohnhaus EE, Adler R. Methodological problems in the measurement of pain: a comparison between the vebal rating scale and the visual analog scale. Pain 1975; 1: 379-384 3. Jensen MP et al. Postsurgical pain outcome assesment. Pain 2002: 101-109. 4. Pesonen A, Kaupila T, Tarkkila P et al. A comparison of four pain measurement scales in cognitively compromised elderly. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2003; 47, suppl 116: 43 abstract. 5. Morrison RS et al. Relationship between pain and opioid analgesics on the development of delirium following hip fracture. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2003; 58: 2057-61 6. Morrison RS, Siu AL. A comparison of pain and its treatment in advanced dementia and cognitively intact patients with hip fracture. J pain Symptom Manage; 19: 240-8