Klinisk personale i Hoftefrakturenheden Ortopædkirurgisk afdeling
Afdelingsledelsen og ledelsen i Hoftefrakturenheden er ansvarlige for kendskab til og implementering af denne instruks
1. Littman GS et al. Reassesment of verbal and visual analog scales in analgesic studies. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1985; 38: 16-23
2. Ohnhaus EE, Adler R. Methodological problems in the measurement of pain: a comparison between the vebal rating scale and the visual analog scale. Pain 1975; 1: 379-384
3. Jensen MP et al. Postsurgical pain outcome assesment. Pain 2002: 101-109.
4. Pesonen A, Kaupila T, Tarkkila P et al. A comparison of four pain measurement scales in cognitively compromised elderly. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2003; 47, suppl 116: 43 abstract.
5. Morrison RS et al. Relationship between pain and opioid analgesics on the development of delirium following hip fracture. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2003; 58: 2057-61
6. Morrison RS, Siu AL. A comparison of pain and its treatment in advanced dementia and cognitively intact patients with hip fracture. J pain Symptom Manage; 19: 240-8