We diagnose FMF in patients with any one of the following:

  • ≥ 1 major criteria
  • ≥ 2 minor criteria
  • 1 minor plus 5 supportive criteria
  • 1 minor criterion plus ≥ 4 of the first five supportive criteria

Major criteria — Major criteria for the clinical diagnosis of FMF include the following:

  • Typical attacks with peritonitis (generalized)
  • Typical attacks with pleuritis (unilateral) or pericarditis
  • Typical attacks with monoarthritis (hip, knee, ankle)
  • Typical attacks with fever alone

Typical attacks are defined as recurrent (≥3 of the same type), febrile (≥38°C) and short (lasting between 12 hours and 3 days).

Minor criteria — Minor criteria for the clinical diagnosis of FMF include the following:

  • Incomplete attacks involving chest pain
  • Incomplete attacks involving monoarthritis
  • Exertional leg pain
  • Favorable response to colchicine

Incomplete attacks are defined as painful and recurrent attacks not fulfilling criteria for a typical attack.

Supportive criteria — Supportive criteria for FMF include the following:

  • Family history of FMF
  • Appropriate ethnic origin
  • Age <20 years at disease onset
  • Severe attack requiring bed rest
  • Spontaneous remission of attack
  • Symptom-free interval between attacks
  • Attacks associated with transient inflammatory response with one or more abnormal lab results for white blood cell count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, serum amyloid A, and/or fibrinogen
  • Episodic proteinuria/hematuria
  • Negative laparotomy or removal of normal appendix
  • Consanguinity of parents

This approach is consistent with criteria developed at the Tel Hashomer Medical Center in Israel.